I thought I would start a series on my favorite authors. I'm open to suggestions, so if there is something you'd like for me to add or would rather I take away, please leave a comment here! I do want to hear from you. All I ask is that you be respectful to everyone when leaving a comment!
The first one in my series is Jacqueline Carey, writer of fantasy. According to her official website (found HERE), she began writing as a hobby in high school, but wasn't until she was studying abroad in London that she wanted to make it her career. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and English Literature, and currently resides in Michigan with her partner Julie.
Courtesy of Jacqueline Carey's Twitter (follow her HERE)
I first came upon this author when perusing the racks at the now defunct Borders. I kept picking up her book titled "Kushiel's Dart." Every time I would pick it up, I would put it back down. I wasn't sure that I would like it. I did this many times. Pick it up, look at the back again, put it down, sometimes picking it back up, and ultimately deciding to walk away. One day, though, I decided to buy it. I was obviously drawn to it, otherwise why would I keep coming back? I am so, so glad that I made that decision! I would have missed out on a lot of great books if I hadn't picked up this one.
I can't honestly pinpoint one exact thing about her writing that tends to draw me into her stories. I love the characters, the story lines, the worlds. I feel immersed in her creations and I don't want to put the book down once I start!
She has a few series out. Kushiel's Legacy, which encompasses 3 trilogies (Phedre's, Imriel's, & Moirin's trilogy). They all take place in the same world, but they are all from a different character's perspective, if you haven't guessed that already. She also has the Agent of Hel series, the Santa Olivia series, and The Sundering series.
Now, I have a confession. I don't LOVE everything by Jacqueline Carey (sorry Ms. Carey!!). I've tried to read Banewreaker, but I always get distracted by another book that looks more interesting. It doesn't catch me in the beginning like most of her other books do. I also don't love her Santa Olivia series. I can tell you exactly why with this one. I just don't like her personality. I can't connect with her for some reason. Yet, I've still read both books in the series so far. By far my favorite is the Kushiel's Legacy books, followed closely by the Agent of Hel books.
If you are going to pick up the Kushiel's Legacy series, just a bit of a forewarning in case this bothers anyone. Basically, in the world that she created, Terre D'Ange, which is kind of like an alternate Europe/time in history, the act of love & sex is sacred and there are different "houses" dedicated to different types of lovemaking (I don't like that word. It sounds weird to me. Ha! But to simply call it sex for this series isn't accurate). It one caters to a different type, depending on preference. There's even a saying in Terre D'Ange: "Love as thou wilt." There is also some of the dominant/submissive type stuff going on. It's not too often and it is tastefully done. It's also a part of the story, not just randomly thrown in there just for the shock of it.
Below are links to the first books of each of my favorite series by Jacqueline Carey,
If you would like to check out other books by her, check out Jacqueline Carey's Author's Page
on Amazon. I would say if you also like Anne Bishop or Michelle Sagara, you will most likely enjoy Jacqueline Carey.
Again, I'm open for suggestions on what to add or what to take out when doing these. Just leave me a comment! Thank you all for reading! I will see you all later!
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Again, I'm open for suggestions on what to add or what to take out when doing these. Just leave me a comment! Thank you all for reading! I will see you all later!
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