You might be wondering who I am. Well, even if you're not wondering, I'm here to tell you a little bit about me and what plans I have for this blog. First things first though...
My name is Jenell. You can call me Jen, or Imriela, or, you know, my actual name. Why Imriela? Because I'm a gamer and that has been a gamer tag/character name that I've used in the gaming world for years! How do you say it you ask? Like this: Im (like him without the H) - ree - ella. I also hear you asking how I came up with this name! What I did was took a character from Jacqueline Carey's (one of my favorite authors!) Kushiel series and added an "a" at the end. That character's name is Imriel. So creative right? I've been Imriela online ever since.
Jacqueline Carey's Official Site (this is the book that hooked me!)
I'm currently a working mother of 2, who is not quite 30 yet, with my husband and dog also in residence. When I have time, I love to read, write, play video games, and practice photography. I don't practice photography much any more because I don't have as much time as I used too. I have 2 is 7 (almost 8!) and the other is 1 1/2. I have my hands full with little one alone! But when I have time between all the other things I love to do, I still do dabble!
I've been a reader and writer all my life. I still have things that I wrote back in elementary school! My cousin and I used to get together and write silly little plays or stories. I also wrote stories on my own. In high school, I used to co-author fan fictions with my friends. We mostly wrote about Star Wars, Harry Potter, or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I also tinkered around with poetry during this time and had a poem of mine published in a little rinky-dink book. I was very proud of it though!
If you haven't guessed already, my favorite genre to read is fantasy, followed by Sci-Fi. Although I will read anything if I think it'll be a good story! But I also mentioned gaming. I don't consider myself a hardcore gamer or anything, but I do love to play games! I'm currently preferring PC games over console games, but I go back and forth. Currently I'm LOVING Heroes of the Storm and a game that is still in Early Alpha called Ark: Survival Evolved. I'm not going to go much into them right now because I will probably talk about them more in later blog posts. Some of my favorite games are the Harvest Moon games, the Fable games, and the Sims games!
What do I plan on doing with the blog exactly? I will be posting reviews of books, talk about games I'm playing as well as reviewing some, and talk about just anything that I can think of! If I have any affiliate links in any of my posts, I will make sure to inform you of that fact. If I don't mention it, then they aren't affiliate links and I don't get any sort of compensation. None of the links in this post are affiliate links, in case you were wondering. I know you were!
So that's me and the blog in a nutshell...sort of. This post ended up being a lot longer than I thought it would be!! I hope you enjoyed and I shall see you later!
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