Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday Talks: Does Book Hype Affect Your Reading?

Hi all! 

So, it's been awhile. I apologize greatly for that. I started to to NaNoWriMo, but stuff happened and I made the decision to stop doing it. I was feeling overwhelmed with everything that was going on, so in order to ease that feeling, I stopped writing. But I'm back now! :)

Today I have a Tuesday Talks discussion for you. This week's topic is: does book hype affect your reading?

For me, that answer is most definitely. I'm very much a mood reader. If I hear lots of hype about a book that already seems like an interesting book, I'm more likely to read that book and read it before any of the other books I may have been planning to read.

It's interesting that this is the topic this week. Lately I have been thinking about this. Hype gets me excited about a book, but hearing negative things about a book makes me hesitate to read it. Which got me wondering. How much does hype ultimately effect my reading experience and my ratings? I honestly don't know the answer to that question.

I'd like to think that book hype doesn't affect me other than my decision to read a book or not. I suspect, though, that it may not stop there. If my expectations are of the book are high, I feel like I am more likely to enjoy it. Unless it's just plain horrible. On the other side of that, I feel like when I hear negative things, maybe I approach the book with a more closed off attitude.

Since realizing this recently, I've tried to stay away from reading reviews on books. The only time I will is if I'm not sure if I want to read it or spend the money to buy it. If I'm looking for a new author, then I will also seek out reviews to see if the author might be one that I enjoy. I especially love BookTube for this purpose. 

Long answer long. Yes, hype affects my reading. What about you? Does hype affect your reading? If so, how? Let me know in the comments! :)

Until next time,


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