Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Review: Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella

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I read this book during the Bout of Books Readathon. Here is a quick review on this story:

This book was alright. I didn't absolutely love it, didn't hate it. I would say, though, that it did provide me some insight into what people with severe anxiety go through. Can I say it's accurate? No. I don't suffer from anxiety, so I cannot speak to this. However, from what I do know about it, I'd say it's at least close.

Sophie Kinsella has a knack for creating characters that push my buttons. In this book, it's the mom. In the beginning part of the book, I couldn't stand her. She was irrational and I hate that. However, there are things that are revealed a little later in the book that made me sympathize with her a little more and, while I didn't agree with the way she handled things, made me better understand her. At the end, she didn't bother me much at all. I would advise anyone who is going to read this book to hang in there if the mother bothers you. If you are empathetic, you will eventually understand her behavior a little more.

Sophie Kinsella progressed all her characters throughout this book, not just Audrey. I also kind of liked that she never really reveals what sent Audrey into a tailspin of severe anxiety and only hints at it. It isn't really important to the story. It's more about Audrey's struggle with anxiety.

This book is somewhere between 3 and 3.5 stars. I gave it 3 because, to me, it isn't quite up to 4. This is a good story, though, and a quick read.

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