Recently I've decided to move Tuesday Talks from my YouTube channel to my blog. I have a very limited recording window. Because of that, my channel would pretty much become Tuesday Talks and Top 5 Wednesday every week. I didn't want this to happen, so I decided to write Tuesday Talks here and record Top 5 Wednesday on my channel to make room for other videos. I may make the occasional exception, but probably not too often. That aside, on to this week's topic!
This week's topic is Favorite reading spots!
(Not my actual couch. You don't want to see it, trust me.)
I can read anywhere. If I've got time to kill or a moment to spare, I will be reading wherever I am. However, I do have two spots that I prefer over any other. The first spot is my couch or chair. If the day is overcast, rainy, or snowy, I want to be cuddled up on my couch or chair with a warm blanket and a book. It is my idea of the perfect way to pass a day that has less than ideal weather conditions. Well, weather conditions some would consider less than ideal. I looove those types of days! And not just because of the reading. I love rainy days!! But I digress.
(Not my actual bed. You don't want to see that either.)
The second spot that I love to read is my bed. Nothing beats wrapping up the end of your day tucked into bed, nice and cozy, with a book to enjoy. I often have to limit myself when reading at night though. I will stay up really, really late if my book is getting good! So on nights that I have to be to work in the morning, I try not to read. I still do, though. I did say I try to not read! :)
Those are my two favorite reading spots. What are yours? Let me know in the comments! I would love to hear from you!
I hope you enjoyed, friends!
Those are my two favorite reading spots. What are yours? Let me know in the comments! I would love to hear from you!
I hope you enjoyed, friends!
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